Month in Review – June 2020

Our fight against tyranny continues.  Here are the highlights for June:

* On June 8, we filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the high court to review an important First Amendment case where a pro-lifer (our client) was unlawfully arrested and detained for over 49 hours based on a bogus claim by the abortion center security guard that she made a bomb threat.

The problem is (aside from the fact that she never made the alleged “threat”) is that the actual “threat” allegedly made — “I prophesy that bombs are going to fall” — is not a “true threat” as a matter of First Amendment jurisprudence.  It is protected speech.

Police malfeasance happens not only to blacks . . .  We have had many cases where pro-lifers are abused and discriminated against by local police . . . but no one is rioting.

* On June 15, we filed a full-throated response to Governor Whitmer’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit challenging her draconian and unconstitutional restrictions on our liberty.

As we saw with recent events, the quickest way to end a pandemic is apparently through rioting for “social justice” — so long as left-wing, progressive leaders agree with your cause, of course.  For law-abiding citizens, our freedoms matter little to these dictators masquerading as governors and mayors.  They must be stopped!

*On June 17, we filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York challenging the executive orders of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio—orders which prohibit all protests in the City except the government-approved protests of Black Lives Matter (BLM).

The lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of political activist Pamela Geller, challenges the Governor’s and Mayor’s executive orders which prohibit “non-essential gatherings” of more than 10 people in the City—orders which make it unlawful to peaceably assemble and protest, unless your protest supports the political agenda of the BLM movement.

Geller is an author, a conservative blogger, and champion for the First Amendment.  In addition to successfully challenging government restrictions on free speech in New York, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Seattle, she was the organizer of the successful public protest of the Ground Zero mosque construction in Lower Manhattan.

But for the Governor’s and Mayor’s suspension of the First Amendment, Geller would organize and participate in a public protest of their policies, specifically including the draconian restrictions they have imposed upon fundamental liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

* On June 24, we filed a Joint Status Report in our case against the Michigan Attorney General and the Director of the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), asking the court to open a second phase of discovery to permit us to take depositions in light of the discovery received to date—discovery which shows that the defendants have been duplicitous in their responses.

For example, in response to one of our interrogatories, the AG’s witness stated that the Hate Crimes Unit does not investigate “groups.”  Yet, we found a sworn affidavit from the same witness in which she admitted that the Hate Crimes Unit did in fact investigate a “group” that was on the SPLC’s hate list.

In another example, the interim director of the MDCR stated that she had no knowledge of or involvement in a February 22, 2019 press release in which the MDCR announced the creation of a “hate incident” database.  However, in documents produced by the AG, there are multiple emails discussing the content of the press release in which the MDCR interim director is copied.

* On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of June Medical Services v. Russo, in which Chief Justice Roberts joined the left-wing of the Court and struck down Louisiana’s reasonable abortion restrictions.  Justice Alito wrote a scathing dissent in which he cited to the amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief we filed in this case on behalf of Priests for Life.

* As always, we have several other important cases in the works!  We must be vigilant and persistent in our fight for faith and freedom!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.  We couldn’t do what we do without them!