Federal Court Hearing Tomorrow in Defense of Tulsa Police Captain Punished for Refusing to Attend Islamic Proselytizing Event at Mosque

Tulsa, Oklahoma (December 10, 2012) — Tomorrow, Robert J. Muise, Co-Founder and Senior Counsel of the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), a national non-profit Judeo-Christian law firm, is presenting oral argument at a hearing in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma on behalf of Captain Paul Fields, a Tulsa police officer who was summarily punished for refusing to attend a mandated Islamic proselytizing event held at a local mosque.  

The hearing will be held before Chief Judge Gregory K. Frizzell at 1:30 p.m. CT in Room 411 at the federal courthouse located at 333 West Fourth Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  The media and public are welcome to attend. 

Muise will be arguing in support of AFLC’s motion for summary judgment, which asserts that the undisputed facts demonstrate that the City of Tulsa and its senior police officials retaliated against Captain Fields – a practicing Christian – for exercising his constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. 

MEDIA NOTICE:  Robert Muise will be taking interview requests following the hearing: he may be reached by mobile phone at (734) 635-3756 or by email at rmuise@americanfreedomlawcenter.org.