Fighting “Civilizational Jihad” through Lawfare . . . and Winning!

When the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the government agency that operates the public transit system in Washington, D.C., refused to display a pro-Israel / anti-jihad advertisement in 2012, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of the proponents of the advertisement—AFDI, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer—and won. The federal judge ordered WMATA to display the advertisement immediately.

As a result of our successful public policy “lawfare,” our clients have been able to counter the misinformation and propaganda that Muslim Brotherhood front groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are constantly feeding the public through complicit government officials and the mainstream media. In fact, as a direct result of our successful litigation in Washington, D.C., WMATA had no choice but to permit the display of the following advertisement, which began running yesterday in our Nation’s Capitol:

David Yerushalmi, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel, acknowledged that “[t]his is the effect of AFLC’s public policy lawfare. But for the successful DC lawsuit, this advertisement would never have seen the light of day.”

Robert Muise, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel added: “AFLC is committed to defending our core freedoms protected by the First Amendment and thus preventing government officials from allowing political correctness to trump free speech, particularly speech designed to expose the dangers of sharia-adherent Islam.”

In addition to the “Islamic Jew-Hatred” advertisement, AFLC’s clients will be displaying the following advertisement, which WMATA was also forced to approve, in the coming weeks:
