Join Our Fight Against “Civilization Jihad”
The rise of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers in elite policy circles, including those occupied by Obama and his minions, shows the unfortunate success of the Brotherhood and its “civilization jihad” against America. Â But the American Freedom Law Center is fighting back . . . and winning!
But don’t take our word for it, here is what the experts say:
“The Muslim Brotherhood with its goal of civilization jihad has met its match with the American Freedom Law Center. Yerushalmi and Muise are true American patriots who are relentlessly fighting for American values in courtrooms all across our great nation. I have witnessed firsthand their legal skill and tenacity, and they are simply superb.”
Frank Gaffney is the Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C.
“The American Freedom Law Center is without a doubt the leading public interest law firm fighting civilization jihad in America. Yerushalmi and Muise are a formidable legal team without peer in this battle space. I am glad these guys are on our side.”
Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute (NRI), a contributing editor at National Review, and the author of two New York Times bestsellers, Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad(Encounter Books 2008), and most recently, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Encounter Books 2010).  He is one of the Nation’s most prominent voices on legal and national security issues.
“America is a safer place because of the excellent work of the American Freedom Law Center.  Yerushalmi and Muise are on the front lines every day fighting to preserve and protect our fundamental freedoms against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
R. James Woolsey is the former director of the CIA.
Join the battle now!
Winning the Fight Against “Civilization Jihad”
Fighting and winning in court!
Being named an enemy of radical Islam!
Defending private citizens!
Promoting policy initiatives against sharia!
Exposing the threat of sharia-adherent Islam!